

Top 50 Interview Question for Manual QA

Securing a role as a manual tester requires not only a solid understanding of fundamental testing concepts but also the ability to navigate through complex scenarios and problem-solving. In this comprehensive guide, we've compiled the top 50 interview questions for a manual tester, covering fundamental manual testing concepts, API testing, performance testing, and scenario-based inquiries. Let's dive into these questions and equip you with the knowledge you need to ace your manual testing interview.

Manual Testing Fundamentals:

1. What is Manual Testing, and when would you choose it over automated testing?
Answer: Manual testing involves the execution of test cases by a human without the use of automation tools. It is chosen when the test cases are frequently changing, and automation is not cost-effective.

2. Explain the difference between Verification and Validation in testing.

Answer: Verification ensures that the product is being developed correctly, while validation ensures that the product meets the customer's requirements.

3. What is the purpose of a test case?

Answer: A test case is a set of conditions or variables under which a tester will determine whether an application or system is working correctly or not.

4. What is the importance of boundary value analysis in testing?
Answer: Boundary value analysis helps identify errors at the edges or boundaries of input ranges, ensuring that the application handles these values correctly.

5. What is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing?
Answer: Smoke testing is done to check if the initial build of the application is stable, while sanity testing is performed to ensure that specific functionalities are working after changes.

6. Explain the concept of a test plan and its components.
Answer: A test plan is a document outlining the scope, approach, resources, and schedule for testing. Components include test objectives, test environment, test deliverables, and test schedule.

7. How do you prioritize test cases for execution?
Answer: Prioritize test cases based on business impact, risk, and the likelihood of defects. Critical and frequently used functionalities should be tested first.

8. What is the purpose of a test execution report?
Answer: A test execution report provides a summary of test case execution status, including the number of passed, failed, and pending test cases. It helps in tracking progress.

9. How do you handle a situation where a critical bug is found just before the release?
Answer: Communicate the severity of the issue to the stakeholders, provide detailed information, and work with the development team to implement a quick and effective resolution.

10. What is the difference between functional testing and non-functional testing?
Answer: Functional testing validates the system's behavior against specified requirements, while non-functional testing assesses aspects like performance, usability, and reliability.

11. Explain the concept of exploratory testing and its role in regression testing.
Answer: Exploratory testing involves simultaneous learning, test design, and execution. In regression testing, it helps uncover unexpected issues and ensures a thorough examination of the application.

12. Describe a scenario where a defect was found post-production. How did you handle it?
Answer: Share a real-world example, emphasizing the importance of post-production monitoring and the steps taken to resolve the issue promptly.

API Testing Fundamentals:

What is API testing, and why is it important?
Answer: API testing involves testing the application programming interfaces to ensure they meet functional and security requirements. It is crucial for verifying communication between different software systems.

14. Explain the difference between REST and SOAP APIs.
Answer: REST (Representational State Transfer) is architectural style, while SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol. REST uses standard HTTP methods, while SOAP uses XML-based messaging.

15. How do you handle authentication in API testing?
Answer: Authentication in API testing is handled by including credentials (e.g., API key, username/password) in the API request header.

16. What is the significance of HTTP status codes in API testing?
Answer: HTTP status codes indicate the outcome of an HTTP request. For example, a "200 OK" status code indicates a successful request, while a "404 Not Found" indicates that the requested resource was not found.

17. Explain the concept of API mocking in testing.
Answer: API mocking involves simulating an API's behavior for testing purposes. It allows testing without relying on the actual API, especially during the early stages of development.

18. How do you handle security testing in API testing?
Answer: Security testing in API involves checking for vulnerabilities like SQL injection or unauthorized access. Techniques include input validation and using secure communication protocols.

19. Explain the difference between Load Testing and Stress Testing.
Answer: Load testing measures the system's performance under expected load, while stress testing evaluates its performance beyond its capacity.

20. What is the purpose of ramp-up time in performance testing?
Answer: Ramp-up time is the gradual increase in the number of virtual users during a performance test to simulate real-world scenarios gradually.

21. How do you identify memory leaks in a performance testing scenario?
Answer: Memory leaks can be identified by monitoring the application's memory usage over time. If memory consumption consistently increases without decreasing, it may indicate a memory leak.

22. Define performance testing and its types.
Answer: Performance testing ensures a system’s responsiveness and stability under different conditions. Types include Load Testing, Stress Testing, and Scalability Testing.

23. What is the purpose of a baseline in performance testing?
Answer: A baseline is a reference point that represents the system's normal behavior. It is used to compare and identify deviations during performance testing.

24. How do you simulate concurrent users in load testing?
Answer: Concurrent users are simulated by creating virtual users who access the application simultaneously. Load testing tools allow configuring the number of virtual users.

25. Explain the term "response time" in performance testing.
Answer: Response time is the time taken by a system to respond to a user request. It includes the time for processing, network latency, and server response time.

26. What is the purpose of a POST request in API testing?
Answer: A POST request is used to submit data to be processed to a specified resource. It is commonly used to create new resources on the server.

27. Explain the significance of JSON in API testing.
Answer: JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is commonly used for data interchange in APIs. It is human-readable, lightweight, and easy to parse, making it ideal for API communication.

28. How do you decide which test cases to automate in a regression suite?
Answer: Automate test cases that are repetitive, time-consuming, and stable. Prioritize based on business impact and the frequency of test execution.

29. What is the role of a defect life cycle in regression testing?
Answer: The defect life cycle outlines the stages a defect goes through from identification to closure. In regression testing, it helps manage and track defect resolution progress.

30. Describe a scenario where you faced a critical issue during regression testing. How did you handle it?
Answer: Provide a specific example from your experience, detailing the steps you took to identify, report, and resolve the issue. Emphasize collaboration and communication with the team.

Performance Testing Basics:

31. What is the purpose of a baseline in performance testing?
Answer: A baseline is a reference point that represents the system's normal behavior. It is used to compare and identify deviations during performance testing.

32. How do you simulate concurrent users in load testing?
Answer: Concurrent users are simulated by creating virtual users who access the application simultaneously. Load testing tools allow configuring the number of virtual users.

33. Explain the term "response time" in performance testing.
Answer: Response time is the time taken by a system to respond to a user request. It includes the time for processing, network latency, and server response time.

Regression Testing and Scenario-Based Questions:

34. How do you decide which test cases to automate in a regression suite?
Answer: Automate test cases that are repetitive, time-consuming, and stable. Prioritize based on business impact and the frequency of test execution.

35. What is the role of a defect life cycle in regression testing?
Answer: The defect life cycle outlines the stages a defect goes through from identification to closure. In regression testing, it helps manage and track defect resolution progress.

36. Describe a scenario where a defect was found post-production. How did you handle it?
Answer: Share a real-world example, emphasizing the importance of post-production monitoring and the steps taken to resolve the issue promptly.

37. How do you ensure traceability between test cases and requirements in a dynamic environment?
Answer: Regularly update the traceability matrix as requirements evolve. Maintain clear documentation and communication channels to track changes and updates.

38. Explain the concept of exploratory testing and its role in regression testing.
Answer: Exploratory testing involves simultaneous learning, test design, and execution. In regression testing, it helps uncover unexpected issues and ensures a thorough examination of the application.

Agile Methodology:

Explain the Agile testing methodology.
Answer: Agile testing is an iterative and incremental approach to software testing that aligns with Agile development principles. It emphasizes continuous collaboration, adaptability to change, and delivering functional software regularly.

40. What is a user story, and how does it relate to testing?
Answer: A user story is a concise description of a software feature from an end-user perspective. Testers use user stories to understand the desired functionality, derive test scenarios, and ensure that the implemented features meet user expectations.

41. How does a tester collaborate with developers in an Agile environment?
Answer: Testers collaborate closely with developers throughout the development cycle. They participate in sprint planning, provide input on user stories, conduct peer reviews, and engage in continuous communication to ensure the quality of the product.

42. What is the role of a tester in a daily stand-up meeting in Agile?
Answer: In daily stand-up meetings, testers share updates on their testing progress, highlight any impediments, and coordinate with the team to address issues. It's an opportunity to stay aligned with the development team's goals and discuss testing strategies.

43. Explain the concept of a sprint in Agile development.
Answer: A sprint is a time-boxed iteration in Agile, typically lasting two to four weeks. During a sprint, a set of user stories is developed, tested, and delivered as a potentially shippable product increment. Sprints help ensure regular and incremental progress.

Project Management for Testers:

How do you manage your testing activities in a project with tight deadlines?
Answer: Prioritize testing activities based on critical features and risk. Collaborate with the team to identify essential test cases, automate where possible, and communicate effectively to manage expectations.

42. Explain the importance of test documentation in project management.
Answer: Test documentation, including test plans, test cases, and test scripts, serves as a crucial reference for the testing team. It helps maintain consistency, facilitates knowledge transfer, and provides a foundation for future testing efforts.

43. How do you handle changes in project requirements during the testing phase?
Answer: In an Agile environment, changes are expected. Adapt by updating test cases, communicating changes with the team, and reassessing test priorities. Maintain flexibility and focus on delivering value in line with evolving project requirements.

44. What is the purpose of a test closure report, and when is it prepared?
Answer: A test closure report summarizes the testing activities, the test results, and the overall quality of the software. It is prepared at the end of the testing phase and serves as a formal conclusion of the testing process.

45. Explain the concept of risk-based testing in project management.
Answer: Risk-based testing involves prioritizing testing efforts based on identified risks. Testers assess the impact and likelihood of risks, focusing testing efforts on high-risk areas to ensure critical aspects of the project are thoroughly tested.

46. How do you ensure effective communication within the testing team and with other project stakeholders?
Answer: Maintain regular communication channels through meetings, status reports, and collaboration tools. Clearly document test progress, issues, and resolutions. Foster open communication to address concerns promptly and keep all stakeholders informed.

47. What is the purpose of a daily defect triage meeting, and how do you contribute to it?
Answer: A daily defect triage meeting reviews and prioritizes reported defects. Testers contribute by presenting defect details, providing additional context, and collaborating with developers and project managers to determine the severity and priority of each defect.

48. How do you measure and report test coverage in a project?
Answer: Test coverage is measured by identifying what portions of the application have been tested. Metrics can include the percentage of requirements covered, the number of test cases executed, and the coverage of specific functionalities.

49. Explain the concept of regression testing in the context of project management.
Answer: Regression testing is performed to ensure that recent changes to the software do not negatively impact existing functionalities. It is crucial in project management to maintain software stability after modifications or enhancements.

50. How do you manage test environments in a project with multiple development and testing phases?
Answer: Test environments should be properly configured, version-controlled, and isolated. Coordinate with the development team to align environments with the corresponding code versions. Schedule and communicate environment availability to optimize testing efficiency.

51. What role does a tester play in the release management process?
Answer: Testers contribute to the release management process by providing information on the quality and readiness of the product. They collaborate with other teams to ensure a smooth transition from testing to deployment, verifying that the release meets quality standards.

52. Explain the concept of continuous testing and its benefits in project management.
Answer: Continuous testing involves executing automated tests throughout the development lifecycle to provide rapid feedback. It helps identify defects early, accelerates delivery, and enhances overall software quality in project management.

53. How do you adapt your testing strategies in projects following different development methodologies, such as Waterfall and Agile?
Answer: In Waterfall projects, testing is usually performed sequentially after development. In Agile projects, testing is integrated continuously. Adapt by aligning testing activities with the specific methodology, emphasizing collaboration, and adjusting the testing pace accordingly.


Mastering the manual testing interview requires not only a solid understanding of fundamental concepts but also the ability to apply them in diverse scenarios. By thoroughly preparing for these top 50 questions and answers, you'll be well-equipped to showcase your expertise, problem-solving skills, and adaptability in the dynamic field of manual testing. Best of luck in your interview!


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